Happy Thanksgiving to you all! I’m so thankful to have a business that has kept running well during the pandemic. By taking lessons, each one of you have allowed my business to stay alive and thrive. I’m thankful to every one of my students and their families. Take a moment to reflect on what you’re……
At the beginning of a lesson, I always try to tune into my students before “teaching.” I have found it to be essential in setting the tone for the rest of the lesson. A simple question as in, “How are you doing?” Or following up on an interest they have, a special event or just……
As a music instructor who’s been teaching almost 12 years, it’s my natural tendency to correct my students right away when they are doing something wrong(playing the wrong note, rhythm, or not finishing their phrasing correctly, etc) to avoid developing bad habits. However, I’ve noticed that when I try instruct immediately, it doesn’t always produce……
Music is A LOT about listening so it’s just as important to listen to your own students. In my 11 years of teaching, I’ve learned that my students communicate to me how effective I am at teaching with verbal feedback as well as what is not said. Students progress much faster and better when 1.……
When teaching children especially. patience is key. Sometimes the student has difficulty registering a concept or correction and no matter how many repetitions, he/she is still “not getting it.” So what do you do? Past history has taught me that you can’t expect the same results if you’re teaching the same way The solution is……
Many business recently have reopened but due to the recent spike of COVID-19 cases, I will only be zoom lessons. The benefits of zoom lessons are endless. Parents are able to take care of errands and other things around the house if needed without having to worry about drop off and pick up times. Most……