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What is Head Voice?

Unlike Chest Voice, Head voice you will feel the sound resonate in your head area versus your chest. It has a sweet tonality in the higher pitches of your range. The vocal chords are joined together and connected to have more depth and power in the sound. Often lots of opera/classical singers are singing in…

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What is Chest Voice?

Chest voice is the same voice that you speak in, the lowest register of your voice, and you’ll feel the resonance or vibration in your chest. You vocal folds are vibrating through their entire length when you’re singing chest voice. If you place your hand on your chest, you will feel your chest vibrate when…

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Let it Go!

As a music instructor who's been teaching almost 12 years, it's my natural tendency to correct my students right away when they are doing something wrong(playing the wrong note, rhythm, or not finishing their phrasing correctly, etc) to avoid developing bad habits. However, I've noticed that when I try instruct immediately, it doesn't…

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