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How do you Belt without straining your voice?

What is belting first of all? It’s being able to sing high notes with intensity where your voice tends to break. These notes usually happen during a Chorus or Bridge of a song. It’s common for singers to strain and use their throat to built instead of relaxing and letting your body do the work. Here are some Top Vocal Tips to Belt with Ease.

  1. Use less air because when you use more air, the vocal folds don’t come together to create the sound you want and it will create more strain for you to default into using your throat
  2. Open up your mouth with a loosened jaw and tongue to create space in your mouth to produce the sound
  3. Place the sound or note by your upper lip right underneath your nose.
  4. Get a good deep breath from your gut and make sure your feet are grounded as if you have roots growing underneath the ground.

If you’re interested in learning “How to Belt with Ease,” I do Masterclasses regularly so send me an email or fill out this form and I’ll keep you posted on the next class.

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