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How early should I enroll my child in music lessons?

It’s normal for the parent to want to expose their child to music and get them on the fast track. However, it’s more important to understand what works best for your child depending on their stages of development. From birth to about 3 years old, I highly recommend you to expose them to music through group classes that help them learn about rhythm, instruments through movement and play. From 4-5 year old, is a good time to start checking their child’s readiness for more formal lessons but I wouldn’t rush this process as they child may have limited attention span to sit still for private lessons. It may be better to stick to group class instruction while they are still in the socialization stage. I personally like to wait until the child is able to read, visually developed enough to follow notes, and able sit still for more than 20 min. It’s also important for the child to want to learn rather than being coerced or persuaded by a parent. Most of my younger students start piano lessons because they have expressed continual excitement to their parent. When the child wants to learn, more likely they will consistently continue to take lessons with the support of the parent and the right fit of a teacher. The ideal period to learn a musical instrument is between 4-9 years old. Studies have show that is the best learning span window. If you’ve missed that span, not to worry. There is truly no time that is too late to learn a musical instrument. To see if your child is ready for lessons, please contact me here.