In this blog post, I break down some of the most common questions I get about how to sing Falsetto for all levels.
1. What is Falsetto? It is singing in your highest register meaning the highest notes in your range. Some people argue that Falsetto is only for men, but in fact women also sing Falsetto. For both, you can hear how their falsetto range kick in after they usually their ability to head voice. Pitches above that are usually within the Falsetto register. Falsetto is a also a way to add texture and dynamic when singing a song. It is technique where you release more air, have less vocal closure, and sing in a lighter tone. This can also be applied to your lower notes in your head voice and also chest voice. Different artists sing in falsetto as a way to style, not just because the notes are high.
2.How do I sing Falsetto? It is actually quite easy to sing. Everyone can sing falsetto and does sing falsetto everyday without knowing by a simple sigh. If you can sigh, you can then easily sing Falsetto. You want to apply the same light airy tone while singing a song or part of song. Try it.
3. What are Warm ups to help you sing Falsetto? Simple warms ups include sighing up and down the scale. Please check out my FREE instructional video for quick simple warm ups here. Or you can also simply purchase my Sing Today online course which includes how to sing Falsetto and 21 other instructional videos on How to Sing for all ages.
4. The Difference between head voice versus Falsetto? Head voice is also in your higher register but it has a more ringing tone and your vocal folds are touching closer and a higher speed. Whereas Falsetto is still light and airy so your vocal folds are more relaxed. In my FREE instructional video on how to Sing Falsetto, I give a few examples of how singers can switch between head voice to falsetto voice as a way to add texture and artistry in their song. At the same, you can use these warm ups to help warm up your voice so you have the flexibility to sing in Falsetto or Head voice.
5. When do I sing Falsetto in a song? It’s best to sing Falsetto in a song either on your highest notes like Mariah Carey or Michael Jackson does. Or you can also do what Sam Cooke does by almost doing an intentional flip in the voice. It adds flavor to the song. Experiment and have fun. Check out what other singers do. The key is to know how to sing it and have mastery over your voice so you can be flexible to incorporate those styles into any genre of music.
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