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A Helpful Singing Technique To Bridge Your Registers

If you’ve ever sang high and lot notes, you’ll often find a place of tension in between your high and low registers. That’s what we call your breaking point. Though there are some variations, this break is normally experienced from the E to F# above Middle C for men. For women, it is either those same notes an octave higher, or a Bb to a C# above Middle C. To smooth out your breaking point, there are a few exercises you can do. One main exercise to try is with a soft easy tone without pushing, is right around your breaking point.slide up and down 3-5 whole notes. By doing so, you are discovering your mixed voice which is a blend of your head and chest voice. For men, the head voice is called falsetto. This is a more airy tone that resonates more in your head. Whereas the chest voice, you feel the resonance in your chest. In regards to sliding you can do this on a simple “Ooo” vowel where your lips are shaped in a way where you’re about to kiss someone. Yes! that’s right, as if you’re about to kiss someone but with a round opening of the lips. Try this and you’ll find it easier to sing those notes during your breaking point. For more info about on general vocal exercises and technique go here.