In this blog post, I break down some of the most common questions I get about how to sing Falsetto for all levels. 1. What is Falsetto? It is singing in your highest register meaning the highest notes in your range. Some people argue that Falsetto is only for men, but in fact women also……
Myth #1: Falsetto is just for men not for womenMyth #2: I don’t need to learn to sing FalsettoMyth #3: I can’t sing FalsettoThe truth is everyone can sing Falsetto both men and women. What is Falsetto? It tends to be your highest register in singing your highest notes. It’s different than all registers because it tends to……
The key reason why people sing fine by themselves is because they are relaxed. To sing your best, you need to be relaxed. What does that mean? We carry so much tension in our bodies including our shoulders, neck, jaw, tongue, face, back, etc. When I teach my vocal students, I’m also teaching them to……
The key to singing high notes is firstly believing you can. Many of my students come thinking they can’t hit the high notes but I lead them through exercises to show them they can. To increase your range though may take time just like it may take time to be able to do the splits.……
What is belting first of all? It’s being able to sing high notes with intensity where your voice tends to break. These notes usually happen during a Chorus or Bridge of a song. It’s common for singers to strain and use their throat to built instead of relaxing and letting your body do the work.……